There is always that day that everything seems to be going perfectly and then a slip up occurs and now there is a spot on your carpet. From accidental spills to pets making your carpet their bathroom, spots occur. None of us are perfect, therefore our carpets are not as well. We want to do our best to keep our carpet looking clean as possible though. What are some of the best spot removers and odor removers though? With my experience, I have put together this list of wonderful cleaning agents to keep in your home!
1) Chem-Dry World Famous Spot Remover
Chem-Dry spot remover is at the top of my list for a reason. From coffee spills to ink spots, this product does the job! I am a huge fan of easy to use products. Though I am very clean and tidy, I do not like spending a ton of time trying to clean small areas. I had used many other products that took numerous uses to receive the same result as this product. As soon as you spill your morning coffee all over the carpet, pick up this product. Spray the stained area and then rub it up with a rag or cloth. The stain will come out instantly. It is like liquid magic! My favorite thing about this product is that it is non-toxic to children and pets. Not only are my little ones safe around the area in which I just cleaned, but it doesn’t smell of chemicals and toxins. Chem-Dry spot remover is also a wonderful odor remover for those accidents your pets leave around the home. This solution does not bleach your carpets or upholstery either. I know that I can use this product on my black area rug without worry about a light spot being visible after. This product not only works wonders, but it is a natural solution that is safe for everybody within your household. This cleaning solution can be ordered online or you can call your local Chem-Dry and have them drop it off right at your door!
2) Resolve Spot & Stain
Resolve Spot & Stain is a handy spot remover that works great! This product is used by spraying the stain and waiting a few minutes. Once you have waited for the product to work, use a cloth or rag to agitate the area and remove it. I absolutely love this product and its ability to remove stains effectively. I list this as my second favorite because it does require a bit more time and effort. This product is also non-toxic but does have more of a chemical smell. This product manages to get up stains effectively though and does not leave any bleaching or discoloration on my carpets and upholstery. Another wonderful part of this product is that it is also an odor remover. This means that if your pets leave a mess for you the odor will be removed along with the stain.
3) Oxi Clean Carpet & Area Rug Stain Remover
Oxi Clean carpet and area rug stain remover is wonderful at removing stains! I have used this product on coffee stains and pet stains and it works wonders. I rank this product as the third best because it does cause some discoloration on dark rugs. Though the stain is completely removed, so is a bit of coloration from my carpet. It is not a noticeable loss unless you are truly looking though. This stain remover works well on stains but does not completely remove odor. As a mother of eight fur babies, I need something that is going to work well on urine spots. Though the stain is not visible once this product is used, the urine odor is still slightly apparent. This product is wonderful if you have light colored carpets and no need to worry about urine messes within the home!
4) Pet Odor Remover
Chem-Dry offers a great home product for removing odors from dog and cat pee. Odor remover also helps the remove some of the spots left by those horrible spots. Its pet friendly and safe for your home. Its a great product between your professional Chem-Dry carpet cleaning when dealing with pet stains. You won't be disappointed if you use this product at home for pet stains.
I have used countless products to rid of spots and odors within my home. Through trial and error I have found that these three products work the best. My biggest concern will always be my children and pets, just like every other parent out there. It is important to take this into consideration when choosing cleaning products such as spot remover and odor remover within your home. Before heading out to try countless products like I have, give these three spot remover and odor remover products a try. You will not be disappointed!
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