Cats are wonderful pets, independent, entertaining, and loving. These pets are perfect for many households due to their extreme independence. Cats do happen to be vindictive at times though. If you don’t fill the food bowl when it is empty, if the cat box isn’t clean enough for them, or if you only pet them 9 times when they wanted to be pet 10 times. If your cat happens to have an accident within the home for any reason, it can seem impossible to remove. Cat urine removal is difficult without the proper cleaning solution. With all of the DIY articles online for cat urine removal, none of them seem to truly work. A common remedy involves spraying the soiled area with vinegar and then applying baking soda on top. Once dry you vacuum the baking soda off and the odor is supposed to be gone. Unfortunately, this process does Many times once a cat has an accident on the carpet or furniture, it is impossible to find relief of the odor. Luckily, a treatment that really works ha...